meisam kyokushin

kyokushin karate

sosai oyama

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Sosai (Great Master) Masutatsu Oyama was born in Korea in 1923 and became the founder of Japan’s most renowned — and the world’s most widespread — style of karate. From the age of 9, Mas Oyama learned Chinese Kempo in Manchuria and followed into his teens by practicing Judo and boxing. Finally this led him to the practice of Okinawan karate, which ultimately served as the springboard for the creation of his own style, Kyokushin, or the “The Ultimate Truth.” By the time Mas Oyama was 20, he had received his 4th dan in Okinawan karate and, though tireless study,eventually attained a 4th dan in Judo as well.

Among Mas Oyama’s many accomplishments, he is perhaps best known for introducing tameshiwari or “stone breaking” into the practice of modern karate. Mas Oyama reasoned that through hard training he could condition his hands to be as powerful as a hammer. Since one could break stones with a hammer, he began the practice of learning how to break boards, bricks and stones with his bare hands. This incredible power he then translated directly into his theory of fighting karate, reasoning that if he could break stones, human bones would break beneath his blows as well. Perhaps his greatest contribution to Japanese karate, therefore, was the introduction and popularization of full-contact fighting karate. At the time he won Japan’s largest tournament sponsored by Okinawa’s Shotokan karate, he was often penalized for fighting too hard, resulting in frequent injuries to his opponents. It was this experience, perhaps above all other influences, that led to his creation of Kyokushin karate. After all, Mas Oyama believed, karate is a fighting art: Without taking it to its extreme by practicing to break the body of one’s opponent (for application during real life and death struggle), one could never realize the true spiritual potential of karate. 




my memory

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kyokushin training camp

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kyokushin spirit

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kyokushin spirit

The Spirit of Kyokushin emanates from the Budo axiom,
"One thousand days of training completes a beginner.
Ten thousand days of training begins the mastery of the art."

The training to find the Ultimate Truth is a rigorous and never-ending process for the practitioner.
It is a life long dedication to the Kyokushin Way.

The greeting OSU used in Kyokushin resonates humility, gratitude, perseverance and above all, respect for one another.

what is kyokushin

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what is kyokushin?

Founder and Creator, Masutatsu Oyama (1923~1994),
originated what is known today as "Full Contact Karate".

Traditional Karate is non-contact and while at it s peak of recognition, Oyama claimed
that the true way of Budo Karate was in the actual physical contact.

Renounced by the Japanese karate community, he traveled overseas to challenge his
skills and brought life to his ideals.

When he returned from his long journey and endeavors, he named his karate
"Kyokushin", which means the "Ultimate Truth". In 1964, he founded the
International Karate Organization Kyokushin-kaikan as the entity to collectively
represent his karate as a worldwide organization.

The spirit of Kyokushin is based in rigorous and lifelong training…its motto is "head high,
eyes low, ears open, mouth shut". Kyokushin Karate provides a foundation for improving
physical and mental discipline and is intended to function as a contribution to society.


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نام: ميثم       نام خانوادگي: قاسمي       تاريخ تولد: 26/06/1361    محل تولد: شيراز

تاريخ شروع كاراته در سال 1375 در شيراز با سبك شوتوكان زير نظر استاد بهنام قاسمي

سال 79 اخذ كمربند مشكي دان يك شوتوكان

سال 80 تغيير سبك داده و به كيوكوشين پيوستم و تا سال 1993 در سبك كيوكوشين فعاليت داشته


 كسب مقام سوم  كوميته در مسابقات كشوري مشهد سال 81

كسب مقام اول در مسابقات كاتا در مسابقات كشوري كرمانشاه سال 81

انتصاب به عنوان دبير كميته فني سبك شين كيوكوشين جنوب كشور سال 82

قهرماني در بيش از بيست دوره مسابقات استاني فارس

هشت سال فعاليت مربيگري در شيراز زير نظر شيهان حسن فرهادي

شركت در مسابقات خاورميانه شين كيوكوشين در گرجستان و كسب مقام دوم تيمي در سال 2004

مقام سوم در مسابقات كاتا و كوميته كشوري در شيراز سال 83

كسب مقام سوم در مسابقات كشوري كيوكوشين تزوكا در سال 85

كسب مقام اول در مسابقات كشوري سيدوكان كاراته سال 87

كسب مقام اول در مسابقات كشوري جيسن كاراته سال 91

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عضويت در سازمان GIKKU ژاپن

meisam ghasemi

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